
Subject : LUG: Tuesday's Meeting (10/4): Lightning Talks!

From : Michael Wright <mdwrigh2@ncsu.[redacted]>

Date : Sun, 02 Oct 2011 13:08:03 -0400

Hello LUGers!

This coming Tuesday (10/4/11) is another meeting! This time around we'll be doing Lightning Talks . Essentially lightning talks are a bunch of short presentations given by anyone that shows up and wants to talk. At the beginning of the meeting, anyone who wants to give a five minute presentation will signup and give their topic. Then we'll vote on which ones we want to hear the most, and those presenters will give their talks! You can do these presentations with slides or without, but if you have slides we ask you get them to us by Tuesday morning. Also if you come, you don't have to talk, though we would love it if you did! These presentations can be on anything from a unix tool that you think not enough people know about, to research you think the LUG might find interesting.

I hope to see you there!

Michael Wright
Vice President of the NCSU Linux User Group

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